Matchmaking and Networking Events:
Connect with Professionals of the Industry!

Expanding the professional networks of SoundTrack_Zurich participants and speakers is one of the main goals of the congress. Therefore, the fourth edition of STZ includes two matchmaking activities, a speedmatching and a networking lunch, among others.

Matchmaking for Women in Media and Music

Matchmaking for Women in Media and Music

In cooperation with the Swiss Women's Audiovisual Network (SWAN), SoundTrack_Zurich has selected a group of professionals from the film industry who would like to exchange knowledge and expand their network with women from the music industry. This Matchmaking aims to bring together female composers and sound designers with female directors, producers, music supervisors, artists and sync managers.

Each match gets a slot of 10 minutes. This year’s participants can meet film directors, producers and music supervisors: Annette Gentz, agent, founder of Annette Gentz / Music & Film Arts; Barbara Kulcsar, director; Caterina Mona, editor, director, writer; Corinna Dästner, producer; Cynthia Lowen, director, producer, writer, Elena Avdija, director, screenwriter; Laura Morales, director; Liliane Ott, producer, writer; Mara Deuschle, sync manager; Olga Dinnikova, director, screenwriter, actress; Sabine Boss, director, writer, and Sabine Gisiger, director, professor.

The activity will take place at Publicis (Stadhoferstrasse 25) from 14:30 to 15:30.
To apply, please fill the form, before September 26 at 12:00 pm CEST.

International Matchmaking

International Matchmaking

At our International Matchmaking we bring together composers and sound designers with music supervisors, directors, producers, artist managers, sync managers and A&R managers.

This activity is open for all participants, who will have the chance to meet Andreas Suttner, music consultant at BR, founder of music label Klangidee; Annette Gentz, agent, founder of Annette Gentz / Music & Film Arts; Beda Senn, music consultant at Swiss TV; Mara Deuschle, sync manager; Marielène Froidevaux, music supervisor, publisher, founder of Interstellar Music; Martin Häne, music publisher of 6 production music labels; Nis Bogvad, music supervisor; Pierre Cattoni, composer agent; Renato Horvath, music supervisor; Stefan Jäger, film director, screenwriter, lecturer; Thomas Binar, music supervisor; Timo von Gunten, film director.

The activity will take place on the 29 of September, 2023, at Publicis (Stadhoferstrasse 25) from 16:00 to 17:30.

To request a meeting with the leading experts in this activity, please fill out the form before September 26 at 12:00 pm CEST.

Networking Events

Friday, 29 September 2023

10:00 - 11:30
Opening Reception
Festival Centre (Sechseläutenplatz)

14:30 – 15:30
Matchmaking for Women
Publicis (Stadhoferstrasse 25)

16:00 - 17:30
International Matchmaking
Publicis (Stadhoferstrasse 25)

17:30 - 20:30
International Film Music Competition · Welcome Apéro
Festival Centre (Sechseläutenplatz)
INVITATION ONLY or Tickets: tonhallezuerich.ch

21:00 - 22:30
ZFF Industry Reception
Kunsthaus Bar (Heimplatz 5)

ZFF Open Industry Party
Kunsthaus Bar (Heimplatz 5)

Saturday, 30 September 2023

10:00 - 10:30
NZZ Lounge (Falkenstrasse 11)

13:30 - 15:00
Swiss Music Export Business Mixer · Lunch
Festival Centre (Sechseläutenplatz)
Presented by Swiss Music Export and SONART

18:00 - 23:30
International Film Music Competition · Apéro, Concert and Dinner
Tonhalle Zürich (Claridenstrasse 7)
INVITATION ONLY or Tickets: tonhallezuerich.ch

Don't forget to get your tickets!

Please be aware: access to the networking events requires a valid accreditation for SoundTrack_Zurich (Zurich Film Festival Industry accreditations are also valid). Get your accreditation by clicking the button.

Forum Filmmusik
Rigistrasse 13 | CH-8006 Zürich
President: Pierre Funck
fon: +41-794 033 239

TelevisorTroika GmbH
Hirschgäßchen 2a | D-50678 Köln | HRB 27204 AG Köln
Geschäftsführer // CEO: Michael Aust
fon: +49-221-931 84 40 | fax: +49-221-931 84 49