Matchmaking for Women in Media and Music
In cooperation with the Swiss Women's Audiovisual Network (SWAN), SoundTrack_Zurich has selected a group of professionals from the film industry who would like to exchange knowledge and expand their network with women from the music industry. This Matchmaking aims to bring together female composers and sound designers with female directors, producers, music supervisors, artists and sync managers.
Each match gets a slot of 10 minutes. This year’s participants can meet film directors, producers and music supervisors: Annette Gentz, agent, founder of Annette Gentz / Music & Film Arts; Barbara Kulcsar, director; Caterina Mona, editor, director, writer; Corinna Dästner, producer; Cynthia Lowen, director, producer, writer, Elena Avdija, director, screenwriter; Laura Morales, director; Liliane Ott, producer, writer; Mara Deuschle, sync manager; Olga Dinnikova, director, screenwriter, actress; Sabine Boss, director, writer, and Sabine Gisiger, director, professor.
The activity will take place at Publicis (Stadhoferstrasse 25) from 14:30 to 15:30.
To apply, please fill the form, before September 26 at 12:00 pm CEST.